TEX. A&M Joke
Two Aggies Talking.
I understand the Aggies have invented a gizmoe.
Its called a MOE-GRAPH-SIZE-MOECHINE. It really works.
Its two welding rods and dowser. Standing on the BOW of an ice breaker. Looking for underwater telephone cable.
Two Aggies Talking about stones at the bottom of Mt. Rushmore.
1st Aggie: How do you figure how many tons of stone you have there.
2nd Aggie: You get one of those professors to do it in Austin. That way you can find out How much political bull s- you have to move by lobbists in Austin. To try to get some one To build a resort there. Its two large moving jobs, unless of course they find some way to use the stones already there. It could be sold over the enternet to some-one. Hello A&M is there any one home?
Aggie Joke:
Two Aggies talking:
1st Aggie; shinning his boots;
"I got my degree Now and I have really sick and tired of shinning boots.
2nd Aggie: Why; It's part of our tradition.
1st Aggie: Its just not part of the business world.
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